Monday, December 14, 2009

i'm free

the first words come out of my mind...
relieve that i know i have strenght to move on...
after all this years i've been stuck in unknown place...
clueless... donno wat should i it right or it wrong...
am i betrayed... someone betray me...
but i'm believe on that someone...
untill... i decided to move out from that someone shadow...
yes... i fight with another me inside...
but i'm tellin myself...
is not need to believe in someone who betray me before...
even though that someone say they change...
well... i do see the changed but i'm is not in the old me anymore...
i hope the best for that someone...
n yes my ALLAH bless u n i always be ur fren

Back to the ground base

back at one...
hope this time around i will make it trough again...
mybe there will strom thunder ahead of me...
dark cloud... the one thing i don't want to get stuck in...
well i must pray a lot this time...
wanna make it...
wanna believe it...
but all of thing must come from my heart...
but if my mind said something else...
wat should i do...
mybe i must gather everything along with my soul...
so that everything i do will give me satisfied result...
come on Aida just this one...
my mind, my heart, my soul...
let work together now...


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

OneDay... SomeDay

One day... My fave toy been snatch away
One day... i cry of my broken heart
One day... i donno how to smile
One day... the sun don't even shine
One day... I can't see the light
One day... I can't hear a sound
One day... my life so empty
One day... people laughing at me
One day... all this happen in one day

why everything go wrongly,
gather back all the energy and the courage
be alone stand tall, stop listening and start believing
the one and only good friend is UR SELF

Someday... all this will go away
Someday... the wind will take the sorrow away from me
Someday... all the smile are coming back
Someday... I'll just find another fave toy
Someday... I'll cry no more
Someday... I'll laugh at u back
Someday... the sun will shinning down on me
Someday... I won't listen anymore
Someday... I start believing to my heart

So Someday I'll walk up high watching the clear blue sky
and i know it will stay like this if i want to,
sometimes it will rain but I'll survive in any how...
One day nobody can't hurt me anymore
coz Someday will always have cure for me


(09 August 26th, ramadhan the fifth - for my friends)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

TVXQ BREAKING UP???!!! (betul ke ini berlaku)

DBSK's Junsu, Micky, and Jaejoong will have their first hearing regarding their situation with SM Entertainment on the 21st. An appeal to the courts to suspend the exclusive contract between DBSK and SM Entertainment was made (by DBSK) and if by chance the exclusive contract suspension does not go through, the 3 members will leave the group. Furthermore, it is being speculated that the two members who did not partake in the appeal, Yunho and Changmin, will walk a separate path with three new members.

Considering all this, the reactions of the fans will probably cause absolute chaos. Not only this, but people who are vying for the three open spots of DBSK will also be tearing up a storm to get a chance. DBSK's fan club Cassiopeia is currently boycotting SM Entertainment. With the cancellation of SM TOWN LIVE '09, they began the boycott on the 12th and are continuing to do so.

Of course, people are unsure of which way the wind will blow as of yet. Things with SME may be resolved, but the probability of the group breaking up is also quite real.

Stay tuned to allkpop for more on this story.


n... ape jd ngan cassie... well... sedihnyer...
kalau betul2 terjadi...
I'll will never ever.. ever never love KPOP anymore...
i ready to go back to English music Culture..
well TVXQ... if u ever Break up...
I'm sorry... I'm gonna leave u all...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cerite Antu (karut lagi mengarut)

Mine berjalan malas menuju ke rumah apabila pulang lewat pada hari itu, di tangannya mempunyai bungkusan makan malam untuk makan bersama dengan rakan-rakan serumahnya sedang dia terkial-kial mebuka kunci pintu pagar, tiba-tiba dia di terpa oleh seorang orang tua yang rambutnya putih tidak bersikat, manakala pakaiannya compang camping, lagak seperti seorang pengemis dan orang tua itu memengang bahu Mine dan berkata “kawan kamu akan mati malam ini” kemudian perempuan itu lari dan hilang di telan kegelapan walaupun kat jalan tu ada lampu jalan… memang megik betul…

Mine yang terkejut dan terkedu... terus masuk ke dalam rumahnya walupun sebelum ini dia memang terkial-kial nak buka mangga pintu kat rumah tu.

“wei apehal baru Nampak hantu ker? Tanya Saraba.

“jangan cakap-cakap, aku sendiri pun tak tahu sape yang aku jumpe tadi… tapi dia ader cakap yang… yang… hmmm” kata Mine sambil mengeluh panjang dia sendiri pun tak tahu samaada dia harus percaya atau tidak kata-kata perempuan tua tadi.

“dia cakap aper bodoh kau buat suspen jer… cakap la aper” tanya Saraba lagi

“dia cakap… yang… yang… yang donut nie sedap… huhuhuhu” kata Mine

“Sengal dowh ko nie… aku lapar r… leh tak makan dulu” kata Saraba lagi

“mane leh… kalau ko makan dulu… kau dah melanggar undang-undang bujang lapok, tapi di sebabkan kite nie tak lapuk lagi maka leh aaa makan sekarang” kata-kata Mine itu telah menyebabkan beliau di baling dengan periuk nasik yang entah datang dari mana.

Oleh kerana Saraba dan mine sudah kepenatan menunggu kawan-kwan mereka pulang maka dengan ini mereka mengistiharkan masa untuk tidur dan jika mereka tido maka tiada sebarang benda atau factor-faktor yang menyebabkan mereka akan bangun dari alam mimpi mereka.

Matahari sudah pun meninggi, Saraba bangun dan melihat kawan-kawannya iaitu yang tinggi lampai Shugo, yang comel Ryu, yang agak-agak kacak Yujiro dan yang paling bertenang Takeru dan Saraba berasa kehairanan kerana Kinta tiada di rumah… di manakah dia pergi di awal pagi bergini takkan dia pergi kerja kot Saraba berasa kehairanan.

“woi sengal tak yah kau hairan-hairan kat situ, baik kau tenye jelah” kata Shugo

“tak payah tanye, biar aku bagi tau, yang tadi polis datang rumah suruh buat pengecaman mayat, sebab dia kata jumpa mayat Kinta kat atas kubur… oleh waris owner kubur tulah” terang Yujiro pula.

“Takutlah kenapa Kinta mati siapa bunuh dia” kata Ryu sambil memeluk anak patung bunny yang di beri oleh kakak angkatnya.

Saraba tertonggok di hadapan muke Takeru yag berlagak seperti tiada apa-apa yang berlaku, sambil pandangan itu di balas oleh Takeru seperti tiada perasaan dan bosan. Kemudian mereka di kejutkan oleh jeritan Mine “ APA KINTA DAH MATI!!!!”

Semua memandang Mine dangan perasan yang tak paham... kenapa harus menjerit sebab memang semua orang dah tahu yang Kinta sudah mati... so what!!!

“malam tadi makcik tua tu kata yang kawan kita akan mati malam nie... dia cakap... dia cakap tu jer” kata Mine dalam nada kelam-kabut, dan kali ini Mine di baling dengan mangkuk tingkat. “huhu!!! Saper yang baling... baik cakap cepat” dan tak de saper pun yang layan.

Selepas pengecaman mayat dibuat, mereka dapati yang Kinta mati akibat daripada... tak di ketahui sebabnya... mereka berenam pun mulakan siasatan yang tidak bernas sebab sepatutnya bagi polis jelah yang siasat... so tak kisahlah dieorang nak siasat jugak dan mereka dapati Kinta mati akibat daripada bermain permainan Evil Spirit.

Jika mereka berenam berfikir permainan ini akan berhenti di sini maka mereka silap kerana permainan itu telah di pos ke pejabat Saraba dan tanpa Saraba sedari yang beliau juga telah terlibat dengan permainan itu, pada mulanya Saraba ingat this is just a game tapi akhirnya Saraba telah di kejar oleh labah-labah besar bersama-sama ratusan labah-labah kecil, walaupun Saraba meminta tolong namun semue orang kat pejabat buat tak heran sebab dieorang tak nampak pun bende tu... oleh kerana Saraba asyik berlari ke hulu ke hilir akhrinya ader orang bodoh mana tah pegi bukak tingkap luas-luas dan pada time tu jugak lah lantai licin baru lepas kne mop oleh makcik klener...adoyai... malang betul budak nie kan... Saraba di temui mati akibat jatuh dari tingkat 13... what a not lucky number...

Mine yang kesedihan dan ketakutan merayau-rayau di kota Akhirabara mencari mainan Evil Spirit... mana la tau kan kot-kot dieorang bleh bagi tahu publisher mana bagi game tersebut ye la macam cerite orang putih tu... ape tah tajuk die yang budak malcolm in the middle tu berlakon. Semasa Mine hendak melintas jalan, dia ternampak perempuan tua yang berjumpa dengannya pada malam pembunuhan Kinta, perempuan tua tersebut senyum sinis kepada beliau sambil memberi isyarat bahawa maut akan menjemput dia pula.

Mine berlari sepantas kilat untuk mendapatkan kawan-kawannya, oleh kerana Mine fail nak bukak mangga pintu, maka Mine membuat keputusan untuk memanjat pagar rumah tersebut dan meluru masuk untuk mendapatkan kawan-kawannya...

“kawan-kawan korang kat mane?” tanya Mine

“kiteorang kat atas nie tengah tengok movie” Jawab Shugo

Mine yang tidak tahan sabar, terus berlari mendapatkan kawan-kawanya dan di situlah ajalnya tiba iaitu Mine terpijak popcorn yang tumpah di atas tangga dan jatuh... gedebuk mati terus... Sekarang hanya tinggal empat sahabat yang cuba meneruskan hidup mereka, oleh kerana mereka tidak mahu hidup di litupi oleh misteri maka mereka pun mencari idea untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini...

Ryu menggunakan kecomelan beliau untuk mengorat kakak yang jual game evil Spirit tersebut, Shugo pula pergi menyisat kawan-kawan Kinta yang bermain permainan tersebut bersama-sama, Yujiro yang bekerja di saloon rambut akan cuba mendapatkan maklumat daripada Cik-cik polis yang menyisat kes kematian kawan-kawan mereka dan akhirnya Takeru yang entah apa yang dibuatnya... tapi dia ader la tuyis-tuyis sedikit.

Akhirnya mereka pun bentangkanlah apa yang mereka dapat, daripada Ryu yang telah menggunakan kecomelan beliau untuk mendapatkan rahsia game tersebut telah mengetahui bahawa, pencipta game tersebut telah mati dirumahnya dan mayatnya di jumpai tercacak di atas patung penunggan kuda yang memengang tombak dan tarikh kematian pencipta tersebut iaitu cukup satu hari daripada tarikh release game itu secara officialnya.

Manakala Shugo pula memberitahu bahawa kematian Kinta berkaitan dengan Game tersebut apabila dalam pusing itu watak Kinta harus pergi ke kubur dan berlawan dengan penjahat dan penjahat itu ialah Badut... kenapa Badut kerana Kinta takut dengan badut sejak kecil lagi , walaupun bukan Badut itu yang bunuh Kinta tapi Kinta telah di kejar oleh Badut tersebut di alam realiti dan beliau telah terjatuh dan kepalanya terhantuk pada batu nisan.

Yujiro yang telah mengorat cik-cik polis telah mendapati bahawa kematian pemain-pemain Game Evil Spirit ini, mati di dalam ketakutan, bermaksud tiada faktor-faktor pembunuhan terlibat, jadi Yujiro telah kepejabat Saraba dan bertanyakan kepada kawan-kawan Saraba yang menjadi saksi kematian Saraba.... Dimana Maklumat yang penting ialah Saraba menjerit-jerit bahawa beliau ternampak labah-labah besar dan ratusan labah-labah kecil yang cuba mengejar dan memakan beliau.

Sedang mereka bertiga membentangkan hujah-hujah masing-masing tetiba mereka terdengar suara Takeru menjerit di ruang tamu, mereka bertiga bergegas untuk mendapatkan Takeru untuk melihat jika ada sesuatu terjadi kepada beliau,

“yes! First price... babe i’ve got first price besok kite pergi shopping kat Tokyo and party all night long” kata Takeru

“hey… stupid… kawan-kawan kita dak KO boleh plak kau bersuke ria” kata Shugo

“entah, berjudi pula kau nie… haram tau tak” tambah Yujiro pula

“tapi kalau Takeru beli bear-bear untuk Ryu, so Ryu tak kisah” kata Ryu

“wait! Takeru we try to solve a problem here” kata Shugo dengan nada yang tegas

“well aku ade jawapan yang korang cari, penyelesaiannya begini, kematian mereka semua di sebabkan oleh ajal dan takdir, apa yang aku tahu mereka yang main Evil Sprit nie, terbawa-bawa ke alam reality, dimana ia di panggil gamephobia, kebetulan watak-watak dalam tu menggerunkan, sebenarnya Mine pernah main game tu apabila dia nak pakai duit balik kampung dan dia pernah test game tu sebelum official realese yang di jalankan oleh publisher tersebut, dan watak perempuan tua tu adalah watak yang telah bunuh watak Mine dalam game tersebut dan samalah dengan Knta dan Saraba, walaupun yang bunuh watak dieorang dalam game terbut adalah watak lain tapi Kinta amat takut dengan Badut dan Saraba pula phobia dengan labah-labah… so itulah kesimpulannya” terang Takeru panjang lebar.

“macam mana pulak dengan pencipta game nie…dia kan mati jugak” tanya Ryu

“dia mati sebab dia test nak wat game baru, sedang dia berlakon sorang-sorang watak terbaru dia… tetiba dia terjatuh dari chandelier dan tercocok pada tombak patung kat rumah die”

“oohhh macam tu ker ceritanya game phobia… jadi sesiapa yang ada phobia tak leh main game nie lah, takut teringat-ingat” kata Shugo yang mula boleh menerima penjelasan Takeru.

“so how you end up first price” tanya Yujiro dengan nada bersahaja

“well Kinta mati atas kubur lot 5, Saraba jatuh tingkat 13 dan Mine pula jatuh 7 anak tangga… so 5137 laaa…hahahaha” kata Takeru

Malam itu mereka berempat tidur dengan lenanya walaupun masih dalam kesedihan inilah malam yang pertama dalam sebulan mereka dapat tidur dengan nyenyak, tetapi pada masa yang sama Takeru sebenarnya masih lagi berjaga dan menggodek-godek komputernya sambil tersenyum secara Evil, Takeru merenung komputernya dan ketawa-ketawa kecil kerana pada ketika itu Takeru sedang mengup-grade game Evil yang di ciptanya dan yang sebenarnya watak-watak di dalam game tersebut adalah jin-belaan Takeru itu sendiri dan tiada siapa yang tahu kerana Takeru ialah EVILISH Shaman yang sentiasa berlegar-legar di kalangan manusia biasa dan bersedia untuk menakut-nakutkan hidup orang lain…

Jadi pengajaran dalam cerita ini:


Jangan berlari-lari sane sini nanti jatuh, kan dah susah…

Jangan main judi haram… tapi di sebabkan watak dalam citer nie bukan Islam makae dieorang boleh r main tail number.

Las skali jangan asyik main game… baek bace buku yang berfaedah, atau buat thesis… dan bukannya cerite merepek macam nie…




somehow.. there's a change
somehow... there's a turn away
somehow... there's no realize
that somehow make a huge change
somehow... there's happiness
somehow... there's laugh
somehow... it just far away...
that somehow make everything change
somehow... there's attention
somehow... there's no worry
somehow... there's a gap
and that somehow make everything go strange
so somehow... the distance now increase
the gap now huge
the feeling is strange...
so somehow... it just a somehow...
it can't go away...
cause somehow just won't fade away

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

MELAKA we kamim!!!! part 1 (Kenduri Kak Nor)

hahahahaha... Awa!!! we kamin!!! ad, n aby ade rancangan baek punye... g umah awa awal sehariiii... so i'm tak kisah coz it actually i really wanna do sbb i nk tengok care2 orang Melake kenduri...
huhuhuhuhu mari berlepas sekarang well dalam kul 10 something2 jgklah baru g... br smp kt dpan K13 ad cakap"kak terlupe air mate" n aby Jawab" kalau nak patah balik boleh lagi nie" n ad respone " xpelah kak nnt beli jer" then kteorang pun teruskan perjalanan sampailah di machap where polis wat road block then ad bersuare "kak!!! sahur!!! saye tertinggal sahur... sye baru jer nak wat lawak kucing n br la sye teringat kak awa suwuh bawak sahur" hahahaha nebes ad di buatnyer... well takpe kak rai cakap kalau sahur tu di tinggalkan seminggu pun tak mati... tapi merajuk r nnt kan... iiikannn!!!
Sampai umah awa orang dah sibuk2 nak g akad nikah... tapi yang paling penting erk... ADILLAAA si budak kiut... soooo somel dak kecik nie... kalau nak tahu yg mane satu g r melawat page awa... then AWA kteorg x dduk umah awak sebab kteorang taknak nyenyibuk di rumah orang kenduri yg tersedia sebuk BUTTTTTTT!!! DISASTER is approching!!! awwww!!! please go away~~~
kteorang g la nyewe kat Utas villa this place kinda cool babe and sewe bilik pun rm 65 pernight and the most important thing bilik air kat dalam... Why disaster.. bukan nak cakap tapi ade sebilangan dak2 kecil yg ramah tamah and gembire jumpe kteorang cannot leave us for a second... Adik... akak2 semue sayang adik2 nie but we're so tired k... n the budak2 kecik was Hani, Suhaida, Danish and Ain...
malam tu berinai besar and perarakan, wah!!! ader bunge api gitu!! meriah tau!!! i nvr seen kinda ceremony, well kakak awa beautiful as ever plus seri pengantin in yellow di raje!!!
the next day Kenduri... nasib baik g awal kalau lambat tak makan la kteorang memang bz gler dah rase macam famili sendiri plak yang kawen anyway... perkataan "adik panggil mak suruh tepung tawar" errr kak mak sye kak perak camne nie... of coz r mak awakan...
dak2 cerek Entry plak lambat gler kat2 kul 3 baru sampai...
and the best part... the food... sedap gler babe... pakcik othman from othman catering u r marvelous cook... i masih teringkan masak daging kering cilik api and ayam madu dier... perghhh pedas n mengkap kalbu babe...
n AWA thanks sebab ajak g kenduri yang meriah and best skali... dah macam famili i sendiri yg kawen... n mintak kat kak ija pic ok...
n to kak Nor... semoga perkhawinan di rahmati Allah selalu n cepat2 dpt Baby... i mean babies... huhuhu
ps: awa bler ko nk kawen!!!! hahahahahah jgn marah tau

TVXQ lawsuit issue = NSYNC (1999)

Lawsuit Against Management Company
TVXQ (2009) = NSYNC (1999)

in July 31st 2009 3 members of TVXQ had made a lawsuit against their management company. it shocking and surprising coz we thought that the company is treating the artist very well but as a fan it is a shocking news..

The statement below is taken from the official TVXQ press conference:

The members do not want to disband TVXQ and just want to free themselves from unreasonable contract restraints.Many fans are worried about the possible disbanding of TVXQ due to this situation. However, making this provisional disposition does not signal the end of TVXQ. Now, three members are participating in the lawsuit due to a difference of ideas regarding how to approach this situation, but there is no problem between the members. Nothing has changed and they wish to keep the promise they made to their fans that they would stay united as one. If this situation is resolved according and the unreasonable clauses are lifted from their contract, they will be free to be one in front of their fans.
We think of this as another chance to mature.We are sorry to the fans that care about TVXQ so much who may be shocked and dismayed with our actions, but if you think of this as just another chance for us to expand as artists and maintain you support in us, we will promise to compensate you with a more mature TVXQ.

About 10 years ago the ultimate boy band of the world NSYNC had sued RCA records for not managing them well and Nsync nearly cannot using their name anymore and what come after that when NSYNC become independent and they can do a lot of things that they want like producing, directing MVs and acting by what they think is good for themselves and the fans and make NSYNC become more creative... What come after that NO STRINGS ATTACHED and CELEBRITY the best selling album for boy band in the WORLD!!!

10 years after the cases TVXQ in the same shoes as NSYNC... i hope this the beginning of the new TVXQ that will be more creative, more mature and more innovative in the world music and i hope TVXQ can be more successful in the years to come where they can control everything from management and products that they will release... TVXQ... Cassiopeia will always be with U

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


well baby...
i'm back 4 sure...
nnt akan ader pelbagai ceriter
yg boleh di tulis hari2...
sekarang ok lagi tak sebuk mane lagi
mybe next week... next month...
who knows...
akan dan bz lagi...
chow babeh...

Friday, July 17, 2009

sorry... sorry...sorry...

i'm sorry it not super junior song but i sorry...
bian ne... coz i'm bz...
sumimasen... coz in my room didn't have internet...
but somehow i will find time writting...
well now i'm on psm1 with lecturer Mr. Shahlan...
so it's gonna be hectic hectic and hectic again...
i donno...
so that's it folks next time...
i will write again...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

2pm Again & Again...

Sorry Sorry Sorry...
sorry for saying something bad about them...
for those who felt hurt about what i've said...
plz forgive me...

okay now let me do the real review about 2PM
there is 7 member in 2pm...

leader Jeabom (Jay) who i think a very good bboy...
and i think Yunho just find a good rival in dancing
Nikhun also known as Thai Prince... yep.
.. the good looking guy in the band
Wooyong who also a bboy... ermmm 
i really don't know much about him
Teck the tallest guy and most rapping in the song and when he smile, 
it just remind me of Max Changmin
Chansung the youngest and also rapper in the band
Junho... the rain look alike and smile with the eyes...
Junsu... not Xiah Junsu but he also has a wonderful voice...
even though he not as good as Xiah Junsu but i think he getting there

this group is under the same roof as wonder girls... yes this is JYP boys
and they have brothers call 2Am... who more concentrate in vocal
if i'm not mistaken they have make their comeback on May 
with the addicted song Again & Again.
the song have come up to the top chart within a week 
and it fight with my fave group SuJu to be the no.1
2pm previous single title 10 out of 10 and only you...
so i hope 2pm will get reganition troughout asia
and come to Malaysia cost very soon...

Saturday, May 23, 2009


SuJu done it again... number one babeh... who thought that they will got to the top again with their new single NORAGO (it's you)... it so amazing seeing that Super Junior just end up their Sorry Sorry promotion last week in top position and this week they come up with new single and still won that number one... they r really king of the Kpop now...
Beside of the happieness of Suju won... i'm also wanna to say Sorry Sorry Sorry to 2pm for being again & again end up in no2 position mybe next time change the group name to 1pm so that probably they will win no.1... hahahaha... 

i'm also wanna to invite TVXQ n SuJu fans to vote in channel V... even though i love TVXQ so much... and i even vote for them... i just got to say the power of ELF is so big and it seem that SuJu gonna get the title The biggest artist in Asia very soon...

So i beg to every Cassie, Bigeast and My-TVXQ members and followers plez show ur love by voting for TVXQ and let them win this time around... and vote before 26 May... 

Friday, May 15, 2009

i'm sick of this people

Sorry Sorry Sorry,
I'm sorry to say that I'm sick of this political thang...
boring la dieorang nie... asyik berebut kose jer...
tak kose aku nak melayan susah2 buat jer dua pejabat menteri besar...
kalau sesaper nak jumpe Nizar bleh Zambry pun leh...
huhuhu senang kan...
cikguuuu! saya ader cadangan (sambil mengankat tangan)
cikgu pun bertanye "aper cadangan awak"
cadangan saye kter wat jer undi lagi sekali rakyat pun puas hati,
takyah lah asyik nak bace kes politik perak kat surat kabho,
dah bosan dah cikgu...
sambil menggeleng kepala cikgu bekate ader cadangan lain,
seorang lagi pelajar mengangkat tangan,
saya setuju dengan cadangan itu, dan di sambut oleh pelajar-pelajar lain
kami istiharkan cadangan di tutup,
cikgu mengeluh mendengar kata-kata pelajar nyer... cikgu pun menjawab
dalam nada main-main, kome tulis ler partician kat pejabat MB tu,
mane tau deme dengor cadangan kome semue betoi dak? kata cikgu
ehhh betullah cikgu kalau macam tu kteorang wat sekarang lah ye...
ermmm mule-mule nak tuyis aper ye cikgu....
ha?!!! cikgu terkejut dan ternganga mendengar pelajar-pelajarnyer yang baru berusia
7 tahun tapi dah tahu aper yang berlaku kat negeri mereke...\
malunyer aku... kater cikgu di dalam hati..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

card from Shahmi & Sarah

everything is done by both of them...
tinggal nak print jer lagi...
so hapie mom's day...
to all the mothers out there...
aku plak nak bg aper kt mama!...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'mmmmmm HOMEEEE!!!!!!!

angah dah sampai umah...
tu yang ader nenet nie...
sampai umah terus g umah alaong...
sarah ader selection untuk wakil perak...
yep sarah dapat jadi wakil perak dlm Gimnastik Berirama...
hu! hu! Goood Luuuckk Cayah yg comel
makin diva la nanti dak nie...
yang shahmie plak...
die nak jadi olahragawan...
erm... lambat lagi r nak tgg...
so... maksu plak nak jadi aper?   
entah la... 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

iiiieeeepppoooohhh!!! i'm coming

i will stay at home and be with my fave band...
and listen and wathcing T-concerts tours 2008
and The Secret Code by my side...

and spend a lot of time with my square face boyfriend...
who will tell me a lot of stories...
just be with my loyal listener... Nekotan...
and listen to the one who none stop talking and singging fren...

wah!!! right now i just thingking of my dad cooks...
yummmyy... he such a good cook...
he always know what i want to eat... weird is it?
my mom who always shared everything with me...
can wait to hear her... bubling!!! bla...bla... bla...

Queenie... this time i will spare time with u k...
hu! hu! and so with my others frens... wat a buzy years for us...
and keep on coming... never give up...
and this two month... sleep tight tight... b coz...
next sem... no more sleeping...

that's all from me... Shaman... c u this semester break...
if i waz on line... huhuhu KBSWORLD HERE I COME!!!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Half way There Aida!!!!!

wahhhhh!!!! I'm going home!!!
yes finally after going through 3 weeks of boring,
i... AIDA is taking time off from the hectic...
well, this Thursday I'm gonna take a bus ride...
to go back to Eeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppoooooooohhhh...

so don't xpac of any story from me...
coz I'm just gonna sit at home and chill...
yes that what I'm gonna do...
hu! hu!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dah habis ker?

byknyer kerje tapi tak sedar diri lagi nie... entah ble r nak start wat kejer...malam nie kot...
biase r... burung hantu... tdo siang2 malam2 berjage...
cume aku plak... bleh tdo lepas subuh n sambung sampai tengah hari...
kalau ade kelas pagi tu... insyallah lah... kalau tak ngantuk...
nie name nyer penyakit insomnia ker? aku pun tak tahu...

Arie Jumaat nie... exam praktikal... harap2 leh r wat...
nak cakap markah penuh tu takde la... setakat bleh jawab jer...

Presentation selase nie... sabtu ahad sempat lagi g... MSAM...
ape nak jadi la aku nie kan... aku pun pening gak...
cepat lah habis... tak sabar nak balik rasenyer...

p/s: semalam g K9 makan western... rase die macam biasa la...
sedap... dah lame rasenyer nak makan kat situ... macih kawan2 sebab
sudi bawak g sne... huhuhu

Monday, April 20, 2009

what a day!!!

i'm soooo damn tired...
maaf!!! tapi e2 lah ayat yg paling sesuai...
MSAM... miggu amanah saham malaysia...
part time kat booth Sime darby...
penat gler... Sabtu & Ahad kt sne...

So we were promote TRI.e
a very good vitamin e for human...
bloh prevent bnyk penyakit tau...
and bagi heal pun bleh...
especially penyakit 3 serangkai...
if u heavy smokers...
baek makan nie...
for the da better future n life...
wah promot kat snie plak...

sem dah nak abs nie...
mmg penat...
hati n pikiran aku ader kat umah dah...
dgr plak angah lepas nie...
kursus kat Ipoh jer...
pergh lg best... leh mntk macam2...
tak r boring sangat dok kt umah tu...

"only time can fix and heal everything"

what did ya think? Agree?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I think??? Probably i shouldn't Think?

I thought that…
I thought that…

Oh I’m so wrong…
I’m not supposedly thought that…

Yeah… it gone…
Well… really gone…
And not coming back…

And I'm not thinking I’m gonna…
Hmmm… I’m such foolish…
Yeah pabbo me…

Only faith can only make it true…
How it gonna be…

But in corner of my head
I'm not gonna thinking of that…
Ohhhh… it’s so yesterday…
That it there…
And now I'm not gonna to think that...

ini serius... mari kita ke ooooaaasisss

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Aida Story... part 3

nak tgk FAST n FURIOUS...
ader sesiape nak ajak aku...
i want to watch it at cinema...
well my fren... any one...
anybody at all???? what no body...
you guys already watch it...
how dare you...

tak pe lah... aku redha jer...
nnt aku balik aku tengok la kat rumah...
ngan dua budak paling comel dalam dunie...
and my wonder sis...

tak sabarnyer nak balik kampung...
cepatlah habis seminar nie...
boleh la lepak ngan Along serta askar2nya
Shahmie N Sarah...
Noneko... rindunyerrrrr

nak alik umah!!!!!

Evil Story... Part 3

well... this time i want to talk about my fave group...

they were launching new single Shared the World..
cool song and cool vid...
i guess TVXQ was busing on promoting and concert...
hope they all right...
and i hope i can get the Secret Code when i...
come back to Ipoh...
so that i can put review in here...

After School
they getting a new member?
i heard this about couple of week ago...
never thought it true...
and i just check it out and many comment i read...
I'm think they were right coz 2 be AS member...
she must look extraordinary... then just be plain...
to GaHee... if it true... good luck on solo career

beside my fave group, i also want to talk about another gal group
i don't know who in it but i already check it out
when the first Lollipop MV first came out...
i think this group should give an attention...
coz they got an attitude to watch
and talent? we well see...

that all for now... i hope Malaysia also can have
more talented dance group like in Korea...
ermmm... when that time will come? i don't know?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Aida Story... UTM

i'm back...
adoiyai... dah habis prack kene plak tuyis laporan pulak...
b4 habis prack aritu something happen to awa...
AWA... aku tahu kau kuat... (kuat tdo n makan) hahahaha!!!

sampai hari ahad n check in U hotel...
bes mcm dok laqm freezer...
Ngan ABBY, AWA n AD...
mcm cuti2 malaysia plak

well back to reality... dah sampai UTM rupenyer...
first dengar ceramah dah buat aku moral down...
knape lah??? sakit betul!!!
baru jer aku ingat aku bleh hidup aman...
but... what da %$#%% **&%$%$#%
ini yg buat aku marah!!!
what a hell three weeks...

beside that i'm happy with my fren...
eha peyut dah besar...
Yna makin kuyus...
ayu plak tak tahu lah kuyus ke gemuk... konfius
John dah tak John dah... kalau nak jd John balik kne berkurung tak kuar rumah 30 hari
Dato... makin terpacak...
Ahmad... tak tukar kete lagi keer??? brp bnyk kete r dier ader?
Kirin still Kikirin... Kak Jah... ermmmmmm???
Bapak still comel...
Amin, Nurul... ader sesape lagi ker yg tertinggal...

well e2 r cter kat UTM untuk 2 hari niiii...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Aida's Story... Part 2

semlam g lagi kat murnie... Damansara...
b coz...
2 of my frens they hav Seminar kt KL...
well long time no c...
both of them look so cuter than b4...
if u know what i mean...

Azie n Jalil...
dieorang dapat kerja kat Jupem (penang n terengganu)...
so ini masanyer kteorang nak jmp...
so we sat 2gether and flash back all the memories...
that we left behind...

so dam funni...
kalau ader anas mst lagi gempak...
hope we c each other again in the future...

Murnieeee SS2.... sedapnyer
dah tak dapat g dah... sbb mgg dpn dah nak balik johor...

-windu nak makan kt Snibong-

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Aida's Story...

Last night...
my fren n i watched confession of shopaholic...
what a great story... so funny...
and hav alot of message too...

i also hav confession to make...
i'm a TVholic...
no TV no life...
kebetulan pulak kump yg aku ske TVxq...
TV jugak...
kalau TV rosak... I'm also rosak...

macam mana nak buang tabiat nie...
buang TV ker?
komputer still ader...
leh gak tgk vcd or dvd...
buang komputer?
Cinema ader... leh tgk movie...

well... just time can tell...
lagipun i've been a TVholic since
i was 6 years old...
but What i know...
that idiot box does teach me so much...

-skrg2nyer tak membazir sgt duit-

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Evil Shaman's Story 2

Why am i here?
have dis question been on ur mind?...
why i do dis?
do you regret the path that you take?...
am i deserve to be treating like dis?...
have u question how the world treat u?...
do you ever thought that u...
the unluckiest person in dis world?...

u better think again...
not every thing goin ur way..
u should figure it out...
why the world treating u so bad...
ALLAH just want... u to remember...
why u here... in this world...
every time...
the hard time come to u...
face it... not run from it..
it make u became more mature...
each and every day...

-be positive coz that can save u from everything-
(ad yang cakap)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Evil Shaman's Story

time comes n go...
did u realise???
or u just let the time past u by...
did u know? who is walking right next 2 u...
who sited in front of u?...
or the one who talking to you?...
or they r just another people...
who not important to u...

did u see or did u look?
is this sentence r the same...
did u see the face of the people the one u love...
or do u look to their faces..
can u count how many mole did they have...
how many wrinkles near their eye...
if u didn't know...
mean u not know them yet...

so stop see thing but look things...
u may find something different...
do not see but look...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Wat i'm goin to do today...
coz i'm so bowing r...
my story... friendship... tgh di perbaiki...
i'm sowie... (ader ker org bace)
bukan e2 jer...
cter psl TVXQ n SuJu pun akan
di berhentikan untuk seketika
buat masa ini...
Evil Shaman pun dah tak tau...
Ermmm... buat cter psl evil shaman lg beskan...

-The End-

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lirik... Sorry Sorry N Translation

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
naega naega naega meonjeonege nege nege ppajeoppajeo ppajeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
sumi makyeo makyeo makyeonaega micheo micheo baby
baraboneun nunbit sogenunbit soge naneun machi naneun machi mwoe hollin nom
ijen beoseonajido motae georeooneun neoui moseup
neoui moseup neoneun machi simjangeul bapgo wannabwa
ijen beoseonajido motae
eodil gana dangdanghage unneun neoneun maeryeokjjeok
chakan yeoja ilsaegiran saenggaktteureun bopyeonjeok
dodohage geochim eopkkejeongmal neoneun hwansangjeok
dorikil su eopsseulmankeum nege ppajeo beoryeosseo

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorrynaega naega naega meonjeo
nege nege nege ppajeo ppajeo ppajeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
sumi makyeo makyeo makyeonaega micheo micheo baby
ttan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta tta-ran-ttanttan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta
nege banhaebeoryeosseo baby
ttan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta tta-ran-ttanttan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta tta-ra-ppa-ppa-ra

Hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl i nunmantteumyeon ni
janakkaena sasil neo hana bakke anboyeomalhaebwa ni mme naegamalhaebwa
jari jabanneunji malhaejwo naege malhaejwo naneun babo babo babo
jubyeon saramdeureun malhae naega neomu jeokkkeukjjeok i sesange geureon saram
eodi handurinyago geugeol molla geunyeol molla
sigihamyeo haneun mal naega bureopttamyeon geugeon
geudaedeuri jineun geo

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
naega naega naega meonjeonege nege nege ppajeoppajeo ppajeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makyeo makyeo makyeonaega micheo micheo baby
ttan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta tta-ran-ttanttan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta
nege banhaebeoryeosseo baby
ttan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta tta-ra-ra-rattan-ttan ttan-tta-da tta tta-ra-ppa-ppa-ra

Let's dance dance dance danceLet's dance dance dance dance
Let's dance dance dance dance dance dance Hey ije geuman naege wajullae
jeongmal michil geonman gata yeah nan neoman saranghago sipeo
jeoldae dasi hannun pal saenggak eopsseo hey
aeiniragiboda chingugateun naega doego sipeo
neoui modeun gomin seulpeum hamkke ganjikagopa dasi eopsseul mankeum mankeum
neoreul neomu saranghae naega baran saram niga baro geu
that that that girl

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry naega naega naega meonjeo
nege nege nege ppajeop pajeo ppajeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makyeo makyeo makyeo
naega micheo micheo baby


Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry It's me it's me it's me firstly
You You You Mesmerize Mesmerize Mesmirize Baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty Eyes sparkling Sparkling Sparkling
Breath Suffocation Suffocation Suffocation
I'm going crazy crazy baby Look in my eyes in my eyes as if dazed by something
Now I can't leave your shadow comes walkT he Look of your face,
as if you are coming by stepping on my heart Now I can't leaveNo matter where we go
Your smile's attractive as the so called nice lady Ideas are usually clear and NonstopYou're really an illusion
Now I can't leave I sink into you

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
It's me it's me it's me firstlyYou You You Mesmerize Mesmerize Mesmirize Baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty Eyes sparkling Sparkling Sparkling
Breath Suffocation Suffocation Suffocation I'm Going crazy crazy baby
DanDanDanDaDa Da DaRanDan DanDanDanDaDa Da
I'm starting to love you babyDanDanDanDaDa Da DaRaBaBara
Hey girl gir gir gir gir girl i Once I open My eyes, I think of you Hey girl
Won't forget you anywhere Tell me the me in your heart
Tell me if I have a place (In your heart)Tell me let me hearI'm stupid stupid stupid
People around me all say you work to hardIn this world, a person like that isn't just her
They don't understand Not speaking from their heart
If they're jealous of me, then it's their failure (fault)

Sorry Sorry Sorry SorryIt's me it's me it's me firstly
You You You Mesmerize Mesmerize Mesmirize Baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty Eyes sparkling Sparkling Sparkling
Breath Suffocation Suffocation Suffocation I'm Going crazy baby

DanDanDanDaDa Da DaRanDan DanDanDanDaDa DaI
'm starting to love you babyDanDanDanDaDa Da DaRaBaBara
Lets dance dance dance dance Lets dance dance dance dance
Lets dance dance dance dancedance dance
Hey are you willing to come to my side Really I'm going crazy yeah
I want to love you Absolutely won't cheat hey hey hey..Compared to lovers, more like friends
I want to be that kind of person All your problems and sadness collected together
Very, very Unique I love you very muchI hope the one I love.. You'rethat that that girl

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry It's me it's me it's me firstlyYou You You Mesmerize Mesmerize Mesmirize BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty Eyes sparkling Sparkling Sparkling
Breath Suffocation Suffocation Suffocation I'm going crazy crazy baby

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Super Junior... Sorry Sorry!!!

wah!!! nampaknya Super Junior mintak maaf banyak2 kat fans dier...
well im forgive you...
Super Junior??? why not?
i love both TVXQ and Super Junior...
and my colour not red or blue but purple...
it goes for both of them...

anyway about the song...
it was included in SuJu 3rd album...
i think the song so impressive...
it suit them a lot...
SuJu fighting!!!

Eunhyuk... what a dance... LOVE you
Donghea... i always like you
Siwon always look so perfect
Shidong looks thiner now...
Heechul got a... whatever hair...
Leeteuk love ur smile... but in this song he got serious face... hmmm
Hangeng... cool man!!!
Yesung... im notice he got Jejung hair cut... but who cares... he look awesome
Sungmin... he the cutest
Khuyun... im think he got the best vocal in SuJu
Kangin... ermmm????
Ryeowook... he look more manly now... thank SM!
Kibum... he always missing... But i like you toooooo...

Mari Mendaftar...Let's Join!!!

TVXQ fan... let's join the official TVXQ fan club in Malysia...
for the further information please log in to the address below


MY-TVXQ! is now open for registration.

Membership term will start from 1st April 2009 until 31st March 2010. Being a member of the fan club entitles you to the following privileges:

  • Membership card
  • MY-TVXQ! fan club merchandises,
  • Exciting and interesting privileges

All MY-TVXQ! merchandise that comes along will be shipped to your doorstep. So, what are you waiting for? Take this golden opportunity to support TVXQ!

For Malaysians, registration will be opened from 1st March 2009 until 31st March 2009. Kindly download the form from the link below.

*Registration Form - Click Here to Download*

For international residents, registration will be opened very soon.

"tolong promot sikit"

Concert TVXQ- MIROTIC... Kat Malaysia?????

tak tahu...
last time aku bace kat web mane tah...
die ade wat petition...
tp... jd tak... ramai dah bertanye nie...
n clueless like me...
Sesiape??? ader jawapan tak???
kali nie... TVXQ wat konsert kt Korea, China, Bangkok...
jap... jap itu jer ker...
confius... tapi tak pelah...
another story yang aku dengar...
TVXQ kejar tarikh konsert dieorang kat Jepun...
for the secret code album...
so dieorang kne cepat-cepat habiskan tour untuk konsert Mirotic
n focus concert dieorang kat Jepun

i miss the two of the TVXQ concert before...
this time i really want to go...
but i still didnt know... jadi tak konsert dieorang kat sini...
i hope jadilah erk...
please anybody make it happen... somebody!!!!!

TVXQ... New Album

Secret code... tak beli lagi pun...
kedai friendly records kt ipoh kate next month...
lambatnyer... dvd T-album tour dah keluar tapi mahal babe...
dah sure... sure mak ngan ayah aku membebel...
aspecially my big bro... mau tak... harge die RM115...
but somehow i must find the way to have it...
nampaknyer cuti sem nie... aku kne kerje part-time lah...

anyway about TVXQ new Jap Album...
a must have album aspecially to TVXQ fan...
including songs such as Bolero, Survivor, Kiss The Baby Sky, Beautiful U, Why im fallin in love with U... and a lots more...
can't wait to look forward for this album...
kalau t-album pun dah melatoop...
macam mana agaknya album nie...
So for more preview... wait till i have it...
-TVXQ 4ever-